Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Baby Steps into my First Blog-About Me!

Hello Readers (there are probably only two of you), but that is okay for now! I never thought I would have much to ponder and offer by creating my own blog, but a co-worker of mine mentioned that it would be beneficial to start one.  (Thank you Laura) You can follow her amazing blog by clicking here!

 For my Masters of Technology course I am taking, we are to create some sort of website, so I bit the bullet, and here I am.

As I am still trying to figure out all of the buttons and labels, etc. with Blogger-bare with me please.

A little bit about myself in a nutshell:  I am entering my 6th year as a third grade teacher in the same district I have been teaching in almost my entire teaching career.  I love finding new ways to integrate technology, 21st century skills, and connecting my class to social media and other classes around the world.  I am currently getting my Masters in Educational Technology and am learning a lot.  My boyfriend of 5 years and I love cooking together and finding new recipes to try.  I LOVE reading during my summers, and I also love spending time on Twitter.  The endless amount of information out there is amazing.

My main purpose for this blog is to share ideas, strategies, and articles that I have come across.  I hope it is a sounding board for what I hope to accomplish this school year and maybe get some ideas from others.  

Wish me Luck!

Happy Reading!


  1. Hooray!!!! I'm so proud of you for taking the leap into blogging. You have so much to share and are an inspiration to so many (including me!) I'm happy to help you with the ins and outs of Blogger whenever you need it. Happy blogging, friend!

    1. Thanks Laura! It is scary and nerve racking that people are going to be reading things I post. Twitter is completely different. We shall see! If you ever have idea or tips-Please feel free to share! :-)
